Monday, November 27, 2006

Another great testimony....

I just had to tell you all this great story of mine. Once again, it is about calling. Well, I have been trying to get a hold of this rather large list of people who went to the Battle Cry Leadership Summit (BCLS) that I called for. I have been calling these people EVERY DAY and I still haven't gotten a hold of about half of them. Well, I came in on Monday and I was feeling rather down and discouraged that day for various reasons. I started calling, but I didn't get a hold of anyone all morning and during the early afternoon. Finally, I started on this BCLS list in hopes that this time I would get a hold of somebody. Well, I call this lady and low and behold she actually picks up the phone!!!! Praise Jesus!! Well, I start asking her about the BCLS event and how it went and about Acquire the Fire (ATF). She didn't seem very interested at first, but I continued to ask her questions and give testimonies about ATF. Then she really starts opening up to me. We then go on talking FOREVER!! It was amazing!!! We just started sharing our hearts with each other, and she began telling me about how things were going, what she was struggling with, how she was discouraged, and different things she needed help in. This call was AMAZING!!! I got to encourage her, give her wisdom and new ideas, stir up a new passion and flame in her heart, and pray with her. This call was totally God. By the end of the call she was praising the Lord and crying and encouraging me! It was exactly what I needed to hear. It totally made my week. Before we said good bye, she was telling me how when I called she had been laying on her bed really discouraged. She had been praying to the Lord asking him to send her someone to encouage her, give her wisdom. She prayed for a sign from the Lord to show her that she was doing what He wanted and following His will for her life. That's when I called!!!! How cool is that!?!?!?! Oh my gosh!! This call was amazing ya'll. Anyway, I just had to let ya'll know 'cause I was super excited about it. Anyways, I'll see ya'll at Christmas!!! Peace out.


IronPillar18 said...

Aww... I miss you so much. God is so awesome. I love being here and having the opportunity to minister to others. I love you lots!!

Stephanie Hawn said...

what day ru coming home!?!?!?!?!
what day ru coming home!?!?!?!?!
what day ru coming home!?!?!?!?!
what day ru coming home!?!?!?!?!
what day ru coming home!?!?!?!?!
what day ru coming home!?!?!?!?!
what day ru coming home!?!?!?!?!

can u tell i'm excited or should i keep going?...i'll keep going..

what day ru coming home!?!?!?!?!
what day ru coming home!?!?!?!?!
what day ru coming home!?!?!?!?!
what day ru coming home!?!?!?!?!

i'm totally gonna tackle u when u come.. :)