Saturday, September 02, 2006

Free Day in Colorado

Well, one thing that we discovered about the Rocky Mountains is that it rains about two to three times a day. For some reason it was also very cold the weekend we were there. Of course I figured that I would be all right since I had a tent. (Ironically, it was the bungalow that I used in Tijuana, Mexico.) However, our tent was missing a few strings to tie down the cover and I woke up completely soaked and very cold. It was not cool. Thankfully, there was a laundry mat near by where I could dry my sleeping bag.
This year Teen Mania (TM) allowed us to have a free day to get used to the air. I had never really understood how different it would be! We had to get up at the usual time, 4:30 am, for corporate exercise. We did so little that morning, but after our very short run I was dying!
Anyway, the buses took us to a city that was near by our campsite where we could hang out for the day. Heather and I rode together and entertained ourselves on the way.

When we got off of the bus I got myslef hooked up with some of my friends. We created a whole big group of people to criuse the town. My friend Ryan decided to dub us Team Cool. Here is a picture, most of the girls are in my core. Ryan is the one taking the picture. From left to right: Heather, myself, Allie, Mel, Maria, Ashley (my Core Advisor), Rachel (her last name is Lantz! How wierd is that?), Erika, and Maria.

Ee kept "painting the town red" as dad would say. Where that saying comes from or what it means I have no idea. All I know is that people defintely don't say that anymore. We decided that we wanted to stop and get pizza for lunch. There was a waiter there with the craziest hair in the world! He serioulsy looked like a chia pet, so, thanks to Ashley, we took a picture with him. Don't worry about him or anything. He was really nice and we didn't hang out with him or anything. I'm not doing anything stupid down here.
On the day that we were in the city, there was some sort of historical fair going on. It was really interesting. Mom would have probably been there for hours looking at everything and explaining to all of us what happened and asking tons of questions so that she could know everything. Unfortunately, the group I was with wasn't very interested in staying so we left pretty fast. We did take this picture at one of the clothing shops though.
After we looked at the fair, we went to the most gorgeous hotel in the world! It's some sort of cool historical home that they turned into a hotel, but I don't know why it was important. Actually, while we were there someone was getting ready to have here wedding there that day. That's why there are white chairs in one of these pictures. Inside the loby was a piano. I wanted to sit down and play is so much! I miss pianos a lot. Rachel, you would have totally loved this place. Actually, you would have flipped out. It was incredible! I thought of you all weekend. Right out of the front door of the hotel was the most beautiful view of the mountains. It's too bad that TM wasn't able to have us HA interns stay there! Oh well, camping is more adventureous anyway.
After looking at the hotel, my group went back to camp. Then I hung around with Heather and my new friends playing hacky sack (it was funny watching my try to play anyway), BS (it's a card game), or attempting to make fires. We had to go to bed at 8:00 because that next day we were going to hike the mountain.

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