Wednesday, December 05, 2007


During the past month, I focused a lot on my second core value, brokenness. For many of the girls in Beautifully Abandoned, this was the one thing they didn’t want to hear about. Most of the girls came from very hard lives and have learned to be very defensive and independent so as not to deal with issues or be hurt again. The idea of being broken before the Lord scared many of them, yet they knew that’s what they needed. After core one evening, I gave each girl a jar to carry around for the following two weeks. The jars were to represent everything they had stuffed away, not given to the Lord, and tried to hold on to themselves. At the end of the two weeks, we had a core meeting in which I allowed God to minister to them. I told them the story of the woman who poured out her tears at Jesus’ feet and then gave them the opportunity to do the same. I had set up a cross which they could come to, pour out the “tears” in their jars, and give everything to Lord. It was incredible. As they poured out the jars and came for prayer, I felt in my spirit a release of so many things they had been holding on to. Many of them came to the feet of Jesus that night and were touched by the Lord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's amazing! Doing things like that - even if you've done it a dozen times before - is so freeing. We don't realize how much "junk" we carry around, and how full our "tear jar" can get. Thanks for sharing!